
Friday, December 4, 2015

American Profanity: Be a part of the solution to bringing luxury back

Stop Revolving and Start Evolving....

I am thankful to all of you for each day that passes giving me the wisdom and opportunity to begin American Profanity and share in it's success.  This is the reason I chose to use donations as starting money for the business.  I want each and every client to be able to view the list of talented professionals that believed in American Profanity enough to allow it to blossom.  Small donations from anyone from 1$-whatever is feasible, provide character and credibility giving it your professional stamp of approval.  
James Ontko
 Posting 1
Good evening.  Thank you all again for reading my posts regarding to luxury consulting and how I believe it will transform our industry of luxury goods and practices for the years to come. 

I am using this website GoFundMe to raise capital for this business in hoping to gain momentum and also have the opportunity to give each donor a piece of the future of my success. No matter how large or small the donation, each will be promoted daily on my site which is in production and also a percentage of the net profits will be set up in a fund to clients of American Profanity.

The American Profanity Evolve Fund will have each of the original donors listed and used as a reference for future entrepreneurs. In turn when the American Profanity Evolve Fund is awarded to a business, their success will build credibility not only to them but to each of the original donors which are masters of their craft. 
I believe in this concept and how it will make the USA synonymous with the terms luxury, heritage, and tradition. This will make our luxury industry a very solid infrastructure and create goods and services sought after throughout the world. Because of the business skills and beliefs that American Profanity and its' original donors, our luxury economy will be virtually impenetrable. Economic growth, foreign investments and credibility will be cemented with each success. 

Thank you
James Ontko

11/17/2015 Posting 2
This is a perfect example of a luxury item. Crafted by the finest in their trade and using the highest quality materials from a designer that stays true to the brand and heritage. 

Consumers in luxury goods remain loyal to brands for a reason. The business has maintained a consistent quality over the decades of change. 

Luxury goods and the pressure of maintaining a consistent growth financially while expanding into new markets to be more accessible to new clients looks wonderful as the beginning sprawl occurs. The investments in advertising are now a number one priority to the expanding luxury markets. However, these unnecessary costs to the luxury brand could be avoided and the integrity of the company maintained if they continue to evolve and be a fixture and reference to the rest of their competition. 

Undoubtedly a huge expansion and press will draw the initial excitement and revenue spikes, executives make their outlandish bonuses. How will the business maintain the sales figures that are expected and now have the many additional costs of doing business elsewhere and most importantly finance the advertising campaigns which are non negotiable once it is put in motion against competition? The once regarded luxury business now will be using craftsman that are not as highly skilled and trained or even outsourced. Quantity over quality was decided the moment the idea to grow was set into motion. Then you have the clientele that purchase the pieces which they once regarded as a personal treasure and now the business has plastered the items for the world to see and takes away the character and personality of the item. 
The rate at which the luxury business loses the status it once carried may not be noticeable overnight. However, when looking at a time line and how trade and commerce have challenged the well defined luxury brand into expansion, the popularity and revenue hit a peak and then nothing left to do but sacrifice the foundation on which it was built in order to stay in the black.
American Profanity is here to stop all of that before it begins. Once the integrity and reputation have been compromised, just as in human beings, you cannot regain the trust back. 
American Profanity will be the business reference and guide to establishing and maintaining a presence within the luxury goods industry. 
Our clients will be the cornerstone of their industry and continue to evolve while other companies shift into the trend of revolving to compete. 
American Profanity our clients will all the while be conducting business as usual and creating treasures for their consumers.
"American Profanity Donation"

Thank you
James Ontko

11/20/2015 Posting 3
American Profanity will begin as any company it is wanting to assist and that is pouring a foundation of knowledge and resources to present to each prospective client. A small list of businesses that are continuing with the concept in which American Profanity is determined to develop and create a chain of luxury goods business that stand strong and are not affected by the markets surrounding each of them. 

The first step will be launching the website with a simplistic design. The contents will be arranged in a fashion that follows the steps of American Profanity and it’s guidelines to execute a successful collaboration and pricing. It will contain all the information about each of it’s original donors that assisted in the launch of the luxury consulting company and also an array of businesses that will show the outcome of what it means to evolve your own brand and stop revolving around other brands in order to be competitive. Longevity and trust are the main components of this section and how American Profanity can assure the success for years to come. 

This initial donation, which can be yours to decide.  Nothing is too large or small when you believe in the outcome associated.  To launch the American Profanity Luxury Consulting business I am hoping to raise $26,500. If this goal is reached by the end of November the website and all data will be up and available for the original donors that share my thoughts on working as a strong component in the luxury goods industry we must retain values and integrity.
Thank you
James Ontko
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my new business venture where I plan on basing it solely on assisting existing and building new companies to create their own heritage and niche in the luxury world. So many new companies capitalize on, and quickly replicating the practices and products of what their mentor in their industry dictates and revolve around their innovation. It is my goal to create a constitution for new business and assist in transforming existing business, and in turn having companies that evolve for decades to come and set standards for all new entrepreneurs.  Specializing in fashion brand management and development, creative direction, merchandising, trend analysis, marketing, concept development and advertising.
Please click on the link below and I thank you in advance for any assistance.

Written by
James Ontko
CEO, Senior Luxury Consultant 
American Profanity

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